The Rise of Digitalization

Digital innovation plays an important role right now and in the future. It is critical to create and maintain a strong digital culture. Our mindset, habits and ways of living has change now and then. Digitalization must be viewed as an upgrade to the entire business model and launched strategically.

What is digitalization? It means Digital Transformation of society and the economy. It is a process of converting material or information into a digital form. Digitalization changes the way we travel, the way we buy things and the way we manufacture products. It is a changing of business models daily. Digitalization in food industries enable the industry players to address consumers’ future needs. If the food companies resist to convert, they will not be able to compete in the market. On the other hand, they have to face higher R&D costs, longer product development timelines and replace by others.

On March 11, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic.

The world has been transformed in a few months. Hundreds thousands more of people have fallen ill from coronavirus and millions of others who have not caught the disease force to change their entire wa y of life.

China first began the battle with Coronavirus in December 2019, and implemented a strict lockdown, followed by extensive travel restrictions. In less than a month, the disease had spread worldwide swiftly. People have been told to stay in their homes and to work remotely. All the schools, pubs, theatres have been closed.

In order to control the spreading of COVID-19, all this changes has led to some unexpected consequences – change of habits and digital living lifestyle.

We were force into the practice of “Social distancing” to limit the exposure to other people. But this is not enough to cope with the outbreak. Many countries had extended the lockdwon and restrict movement.

With the restriction of movement, we have seen a significant move of people life going online. There is an increase in people shopping online from groceries and food deliveries and even healthcare. Educators across the world need to create content for remote learning for students in all sectors. All business meeting had switched to video or telephone conferences. E-commerce emerges as a booming and might become permanent business satire if people continue to remain online purchases.

This is the best time to utilize our time with our devices to think kinds of community we can create through them. Entrepreneurs offer free online classes, Yoga instructors teach free classes, Chefs demonstrate cooking classes online, and many more. The market for digital collaboration is growing quickly. People seeking for digital media and entertainment including social media, gaming, news and books to relieve boredom.

Monteloeder had created this concept since 2014: the digital nutraceutical which consists of developing clinically validated branded ingredients that target certain functional targets together with digital tools and methodology to address consumer appreciaton and adherence with the health ingredient. This is a perfect combination to boost outcomes and foster healthy habits through mobile technology and wearable devices.

Monteloeder is leading the radical change: from standardized to personalised service, from expectation to proven efficiency, from selling a product to selling a consumer experience. For information, do visit us at

This global health disaster is an opportunity to asses our modern life. This might be a good time to change our habits for the better. Let’s hope the changes we see today could have a more persistent effect in future.


Food and Beverages Industry News, <>

Politoco Magazine 2020, <>

Information Age 2020, <>

Innolytic 2020, <>